Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ahhh, wood!

The wonders of wood! We got our new floors yesterday! What a difference! Also, a huge treat to see it the day before with nothing and then, like magic, there is a brand new wood floor. Wonderful!

I only had my phone with me so forgive the photos. Also, we got new lighting put in. I have better photos of the new lights on the camera, but those haven't been loaded yet. Anyway, Hubby spent all weekend with the electrician wiring for new can lights in the den and kitchen (cannont believe the difference that makes!), putting in blocking to hold new fans in the office and bedrooms and re-wiring a few other spots because of walls being torn out and such.

I spent Saturday on the couch with the crud. But Sunday and yesterday afternoon (and the rest of my week) was and will be dedicated to painting. The trim will not be done until this weekend. Thus, we are not moving in this weekend. Shocker. We'll move next weekend instead. We tried.

Anyway, here's a few photos for now:

As crappy as the kitchen still is, it is amazing what the new floors do for it. It may not come across in this photo, but trust me. It helps. It will also help when the counters are void of all tools as well.

The breakfast room (and the ever moving range - I promise it has a home)

The den, looking into the kitchen/breakfast room.

Dining room. You can just barely see our new chandelier that we got. It needs the little shades that go on it.
